Colors of the Wind - Sheet Music for Native American Flute [PDF]
This PDF download is the sheet music to Colors of the Wind, played by Jonny Lipford on the Native American flute. This song has been transcribed to Nakai Tablature by David Wood. The song was originally played on a G minor flute.
You will find the following items in this pack.
- A version of sheet music in Nakai TAB (with and without embellishments).
- A PDF of “Key To Embellishments” that offers a description of the letters that you see by certain notes in the sheet music.
NOTE: The file is a compressed/zipped folder which you'll need to extract. Tutorials are available online if you need help. Files are in a PDF format which most devices will be able to open. If your device does not have a PDF Reader, you can download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat reader here: https://get.adobe.com/reader/
Watch this video below and subscribe to Jonny Lipford on YouTube!